Saturday, November 17, 2007

Week 9: #20 "Discover YouTube and Other Video Sharing Sites"

I logged on to YouTube and typed in West Virginia Libraries to see what I could find there and found some very interesting tours of the Marshall University Library. Each floor had it's own video and each was well photographed and fully explained. I think this could be very useful to all libraries so customers would know what to expect when they visit a library...a regular customer whp maybe doesn't realize all that we have to offer, someone new to town or just a random visitor could access information quite easily on their own. Many people who come into a library want "do-it-yourself" service and by viewing a site before coming to the library would be very helpful to them. They would know where to go for their information and be on their way. Other people want you to do all the work for them in finding what they need. By showing them this type of information, maybe next time they could help themselves. Other people need assistance but never ask for it. They may feel empowered by knowing what they want and need and being able to do it themselves without help. It also makes the library look user's the go with it and have a nice day.

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